July 7, 2021BY Admin ( 0 ) Comment
It’s about time now. You are not a teenager anymore and your dream of studying abroad will be a reality soon. All you have to do is start preparing for overseas education early on. Where most of the dreamers would think that starting preparing a year or two ahead is too early, the ones who nail this beast would disagree. So, time to think like the winners and start our preparations, NOW!
Academics Prep
The last two years of academics in your home country are the most important ones and it’s time to take them seriously. Score well, don’t miss classes, understand every concept by heart, and obey teachers. You might need their help in the form of recommendation letters for overseas admission.
Overseas Education Consultant
Choose the best consultancy for studying abroad to realize your foreign education dream. Where many undermine the importance of such expertise, they are the ones that work the hardest to ensure your admission and visa processing is the smoothest.
Language Test Scores
These scores can make or break your dream. So, it’s time to prepare for it; the practical way. Many students join coaching institutes to cram it all. To amp up your game, start learning the language from the source. Start watching the destination country’s TV programs or YouTube videos of the native creators. This would additionally prepare you to converse with the locals later there.
Body Clock Adjustment
You are about to be in a different time zone soon. And most of the students fall ill for days while their bodies adjust to a polarized work and sleep pattern. Start adjusting your body clock a few days ahead by shifting a few hours gradually.
Say no to Books
To avoid unnecessary high luggage costs at international check-in, it’s advised to scan all your important notes and books and store them on your laptop/phone/drive. An added advantage is that they can never be lost or stolen and will always be available at the oddest place.
Add New Rules
This is to prepare you both physically and mentally for a new routine. Start including your new life rules beforehand. And these aren’t just physical rules like exercising or start making your bed or cooking your meal. These include mental rules too: being adaptive, less judgmental, et al.
Read Blogs
The best preparation is to know the recipe from where it originated. Read the blogs of the local bloggers to know the environment, the kind of people, the local traditions and customs. Also, blogs of international students’ experience in that particular country would help a great deal.
Enough of reading and video watching. It’s time to talk to the ex-course participants to know their experiences and the environment you should expect there. Know their hardships and how they sailed through. It would be the best way to prepare for living there.
Smartphone Prep
Prepare your smartphone by loading it with all the necessary apps needed in a new country. Research best apps for local payments, for local traveling, for staying connected to friends inside the university, for entertainment in free time, for seeking help in SOS situations, et al.
Address the fear
The toughest is saved for the last. Sit and introspect. Identify your biggest fear abroad. Is it meeting new people? Or not knowing their language? Or adjusting to the extreme weather? It could be anything: physical or mental. It’s time to address it quickly to eliminate it. No fear is greater than your dreams. Go, conquer them all!
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