Learning English is a necessity bigger than ever today. But just like every discipline, English, too, has certain rules to adhere to to become a pro. Here are the best dos and the must-avoid donts to nail the language like a native speaker:
Listen a lot
A great listener is a progressive student. So, the more you listen, the more you will understand the nuances of the language. Listen to everyone carefully and request people to repeat something you do not understand
Make a native speaker your friend
The best way to learn any discipline is from origin. Hence, learning English by practicing it with a native speaker is the best way. This way, you learn the ground rules of communication.
Learn One thing daily
Learn a new phrase or a sentence daily and incorporate it in communication. And do not forget to learn all the possible ways of using it. The best way to select a new thing daily is to read the newspaper and search it online for its meaning and usage.
Just English
Talk to everyone in English, even if the response is in some other language. Do not break your habit, and soon, you will notice fluency kicking in. And when nobody is around to talk, use Siri or Cortana as a partner.
Learn the vocab slowly
The best way to build your vocabulary is by adding one word a day. The aim is to retain it for a lifetime.
Be afraid of making mistakes
Do not be afraid that you will make mistakes. No successful person becomes big without committing mistakes. Have your share of them, too. Ask your near and dear ones to correct you.
Focus on translation
Do not focus much on translating every sentence you think of in English first. Make a habit of thinking in English and speaking instantly. It would reduce your dependence on habitual translation.
Be rigid
Where it is important to learn the apt grammar rules, avoid stressing much about incorporating them in daily conversations in the beginning. Even the natives do not use them much in casual conversations.
Focus on accent
Learning many things at a time may result in grasping none. Learning a language is all about being able to converse in it. Do not try to copy anybody’s accent. You would not see an Italian speaking like an American even after years spent in America.
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